Ph.D Graduates

Dr. Hyungjoo Kim
- 1996 B.S. Medical School, SoonChunHyang University
- 2010 Ph.D. Grad. School of Medical Science and Engineering, KAIST
Mechanical property characterization of prostate cancer using a minimally invasive motorized indenter in an Ex-vivo indentation Experiment
Current Position: CTO and Head of Surgical Robot R&D Center, Meerecompany Inc.
Email: at samsung dot com [LindkedIn]

Dr. Changmok Choi
- 2005 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Inha University
- 2011 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Surface electromyography interface study with neuromechanical models
Current Position: Principal Researcher, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)
Email: choi.changmok at gmail dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Bummo Ahn
- 2005 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan University
- 2007 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Characterization of viscoelastic properties of intra-abdominal organs from in vitro indentation experiments and inverse finite element parameter optimization - 2011 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Inclusion detection with robotic palpation and mechanical property characterization for prostate abnormal tissue detection
Current Position: Principal Researcher, KITECH
Email: bummoahn at gmail dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Hyonyoung Han
- 2005 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2007 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Motion artifact reduction with active noise cancellation and accelerometer for wearable Photoplethysmography - 2012 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Mechanical sensing of skeletal muscle contraction and fatigue for physical human-robot interaction
Current Position: Senior Researcher, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Email: hyonyoung.han at etri dot re dot kr

Dr. Jungsik Kim
- 2006 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Inha University
- 2008 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of haptic rendering algorithm based-on vision-based force estimation for cell injection system - 2012 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
A study of oocyte/embryo manipulation using microfluidics and robotics
Current Position: Professional, LG Electronics Inc.
Email: jungsik.kim80 at gmail dot com [LinkedIn]

Dr. Yeongjin Kim
- 2006 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2008 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Mechanical characterization of adherent cells with atomic force microscopy - 2012 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Tissue abnormality localization based on the internal structure analysis and inhomogeneous modeling
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Incheon National University
Email: ykim at inu dot ac dot kr [Google Scholar]

Dr. Suncheol Kwon
- 2007 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
- 2009 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
A physical human-machine interaction using surface electromyography of the upper limb - 2013 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Power assistance using surface electromyography and its influence on human movement stability
Current Position: Senior Research Officer, National Rehabilitation Center
Email: nrc.suncheol.kwon at gmail dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Pilwon Heo
- 2004 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
- 2009 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University
- 2015 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Glove-type assistive hand Exoskeleton with open fingerpad
Current Position: Co-Founder, i2A Systems Co., Ltd.
Email: pwheo at kaist dot ac dot kr

Dr. Gwangmin Gu
- 2008 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2016 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Measurement and compensation of ankle stiffness using sensor-integrated pneumatic ankle foot orthosis
Current Position: Co-Founder, i2A Systems Co., Ltd.
Email: friendgoos at kaist dot ac dot kr [LinkedIn]

Dr. Seongtae Kim
- 2000 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
- 2002 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2016 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Long-distance MR-compatible actuation method using cable-driven transmission
Current Position: i2A Systems Co., Ltd.
Email: at samsung dot com

Dr. Youngjin Na
- 2009 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2011 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Needle-based navigation system for sacral nerve stimulation using electromagnetic tracking and virtual images - 2016 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Surface electromyography-based force estimation considering muscle fatigue effect
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Sookmyung Women’s University
Email: yjna at sookmyung dot ac dot kr [Google Scholar]

Dr. Hyosang Lee
- 2010 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
- 2012 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Mechanical model for needle steering to dual-layered tissue - 2017 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Soft and stretchable tactile sensor using MWCNT-elastomer nanocomposite and anisotropic electrical impedance tomography
Current Position: Cyber Valley Research Group Leader, University of Stuttgart
Email: hyosang.lee at iis dot uni-stuttgart dot de [Google Scholar]

Dr. Hongchul Kim
- 2003 B.S. Mechanical Engineerimng, Yeungnam Univ.
- 2005 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH
- 2017 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Locomotion control for hydraulic lower extremity exoskeleton for stable walking on level and non-level ground
Current Position: Researcher, Agency for Defense Development
Email: kimhc at add dot re dot kr

Dr. Janghan Bae
- 2007 B.S Biomechatronics Engineering, Sungkyunkwan university
- 2009 M.S Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan university
- 2019 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Soft computing approach for pulse pattern classification system to objectification of Korean medicine diagnosis
Current Position: Researcher, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Email: fcbest11 at kiom dot re dot kr

Dr. Handdeut Chang
- 2011 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University
- 2013 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University
- 2019 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of self-stabilizing variable stiffness actuation system with variable radius gear and high torque motor
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Incheon National University
Email: onemean at inu dot ac dot kr

Dr. Sangjoon J. Kim
- 2012 B.S. Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2014 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of an MR-compatible hand exoskeleton for neuroscience studies and to monitor rehabilitation procedures of the hand grasping motion - 2019 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Untethered pneumatic ankle foot orthosis powered by a portable piston-crank compressor
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago)
Email: at gmail dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Junghoon Park
- 2015 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2017 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of a wearable shear and normal ground reaction force measuring system for running and jumping - 2021 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Design of a fast response inflatable soft pneumatic bending actuator for wearable robots
Current Position: Staff Engineer, Samsung Research R&D Center
Email: junghoon0523 at gmail dot com [Website]

Dr. Yunjoo Kim
- 2011 B.S. Bio & Brain Engineering, KAIST
- 2014 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Quantitative analysis of passive wrist tremor suppression method to minimize voluntary motion deterioration - 2021 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of multimodal sensing system and interactive potential field technique for safe and natural robot teaching
Current Position: Staff Engineer, Infra & Equipment Automation T/F, Samsung Electronics DS
Email: at samsung dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Seulki Kyeong
- 2014 B.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2016 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of an upper limb rehabilitation robot providing symmetric bilateral movements based on inertial measurement units - 2022 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Motion intention recognition from multi-channel surface electromyography through prediction of major muscle activation
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Hannam University
Email: seulki.kyeong at hnu dot kr [Google Scholar]

Dr. Kyungseo Park
- 2016 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2018 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Durable and large-scale soft tactile sensor using CNT-coated porous elastomer and interference reduction Structure - 2022 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Biomimetic whole-body robotic skin for physical human-robot interaction
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
Email: kspark at dgist dot ac dot kr [Website] [Google Scholar]

Dr. Wonseok Shin
- 2016 B.S Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
- 2018 M.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Estimation and Validation of Dynamic Ankle Impedance for Accurate Ankle Spasticity Assessment - 2023 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
A continuously variable transmission for physically interacting robot
Current Position: Senior Researcher, KITECH
Email: ws2261 at kitech dot re dot kr [Website] [Google Scholar]

Dr. Hwayeong Jeong
- 2017 B.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2019 M.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Echinoderm Inspired Variable Stiffness Soft Actuator with Connected Ossicle Structure - 2023 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
A soft high-radix fluidic demultiplexer for controlling multi-chamber soft robot
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, EPFL
Email: hwayeong.jeong at epfl dot ch [Website] [Google Scholar]

Dr. Hyunkyu Park
- 2017 B.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2019 M.S Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of two-axial strain distribution sensing method using deep learning-based anisotropic electrical impedance tomography (aEIT) - 2024 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Software-reprogrammable shape-morphing technology based on distributed actuation / sensing
Current Position: Researcher, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)
Email: ws2261 at kitech dot re dot kr [Website] [Google Scholar]
M.S. Graduates

Yunjoo Lee
- 2007 B.S. Mechanical and Control Engineering, Handong University
- 2009 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Design of a reflective-type photoplethysmographic sensor with motion artifact reduction
Email: rosela at kaist dot ac dot kr

Wonil Park
- 2007 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
- 2009 M.S. Robotics Program, KAIST
Real-Time Finger Force Estimation from Surface Electromyography (sEMG) and a Musculoskeletal Model
Current Position: Founder/CEO, TimeBlocks Inc.
Email: wonil. park at timeblocks dot com

Dr. Wonkeun Youn
- 2008 B.S. Mechanical and Control Engineering, Handong University
- 2010 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Estimation of muscle force from mechanomyography (MMG) for physical human-robot interaction
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Chungnam National University
Email: wonkeunyoun at gmail dot com [Google Scholar]

Dr. Kihan Park
- 2009 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2011 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Mirror image motion system with surface electromyography for shoulder rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Email: kihan.park at umassd dot edu [Google Scholar]

Dongjune Chang
- 2010 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2012 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Design of a physiological hand tremor canceling mechanism for microsurgical applications
Current Position: PhD Candidate, Arizona State University
Email: jdj7890 at unm dot edu [Google Scholar] [LinkedIn]

Jina Son
- 2011 B.S. Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University
- 2013 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of sole instrumentation system for estimating ground reaction force in biomechanics
Current Position: Researcher, Hyundai Motor Co.
Email: jinas8804 at gmail dot com

Yongkyun Shin
- 2010 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto
- 2013 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Orientation control of single cells in microfluidic channel
Current Position: Lead Test Engineer, General Motors
Email: yongkyuns at gmail dot com [LinkedIn]

Dongju Lee
- 2011 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2013 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Quantitative assessment of human sensitivity of scanning in lump detection
Current Position: Research Software Engineer, NAVER Corporation
Email: greyowl at kaist dot ac dot kr [LinkedIn]

Haedo Cho
- 2014 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Inha University
- 2016 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Design of a flexible tactile sensor for measuring fingertip force and contact recognition
Current Position: PhD Candidate, Harvard University
Email: hcho at seas dot harvard dot edu [Google Scholar]

Hyein Lee
- 2015 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Inha university
- 2017 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Development of an optical type torque sensor and application to impedance control
Current Position: Researcher, LG Electronics Inc.
Email: hyein.lee14 at gmail dot ac dot kr

Natasha Jung
- 2014 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 2018 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST (Dual Degree program)
A heuristic approach for a puzzle-based system providing material dynamically
Current Position: Solution Area Lead, HOMAG Group
Email: natasha.jung at durr dot com [LinkedIn]

Lukas Rossel
- 2015 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 2018 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST (Dual Degree program)
Investigation on the reuse of recycled carbon fibers in various non-wovens for HP-RTM and WCM processes
Email: rossel at kaist dot ac dot kr

Isacco Zappa
- 2018 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
- 2021 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST (Dual Degree program)
Simulated solution for the heterogeneous pallet loading problem and application with a robotic manipulator
Email: Isacco.zappa at polimi dot it

Chaeree Park
- 2021 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
- 2023 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Unsupervised sim-real adaptation of the proprioceptive soft robot
Email: cofl0530 at kaist dot ac dot kr

Sanghoon Yang
- 2021 B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
- 2023 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
Classification and pose estimation of in-hand object through contact information
Email: ysh2146 at kaist dot ac dot kr